Biography | |
![]() Prof. MRINAL PAL Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, India |
Title: Semiconductor Nanostructured based Gas Sensor Towards Human Health Monitoring: Synthesis to prototype development | |
Abstract: Nowadays sensors are omnipresent and became an indispensible part of our society. Besides conventional use, gas sensor based breath analyzer has attracted increasing interest among the scientist, technocrats and clinical communities. This is a non-invasive technique which can provide information of diseases and monitoring of therapy just analyzing exhale breath. There exists a huge market for gas sensors which is ever increasing due to new application possibilities including non-invasive breath analysis for monitoring diseases.
Human breath is composed of several gasses and hundreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). An accurate detection of specific gas /VOCs in exhaled breath, known as biomarkers, can provide essential information for the diagnosis of those diseases. The compounds of interest (VOCs) are generally found at ppb /sub-ppm level in healthy human breath which can increase several times in the breath of patients. However, the ability to prepare novel nanomaterial having high sensitivity, good resolution at sub-ppm /ppb level and insensitive toward moisture is required for development of breath analyzer, is currently not achievable. This presentation will cover all the aspects starting from preparation of novel nanocomposites to fabrication and performance of prototype device in detail. References: 1 S.Ehrmann, J Jüngst, J Goschnick, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2000;65 (1–3):247- 2.M. Narjinary, P. Rana, A. Sen and M. Pal*, Materials & Design, 115 (2017) 15 3. S. Chakraborty and M. Pal*, Materials & Design, 126 (2017) 184. J. Janata. Chemical Reviews 2008 108(2):327-28. | |
Biography: Dr. Pal completed his M.Sc. degree in Physics from Calcutta University with First Class and Ph.D. from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, INDIA in 1997. He has carried out postdoctoral work in several country including the prestigious Science and Technology Association (STA) fellowship of Govt. of Japan during 1998-2000. He joined as a Lecturer in Physics at The University of Burdwan in 2002 and presently, he is a Senior Principal Scientist (Professor) at CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR-CGCRI), Kolkata. For around 25 years he has been doing research in the area of Nanomaterials precisely functional nanocomposites including multiferroic nanocomposites, magnetic nanocomposites, spintronics material, perovskite, glass and glass-ceramics. He has published more than 110 research articles in the International Journals of high repute. Dr. Pal has supervised 7 Ph.D.’s, 2 candidates are in the pipelines. He completed 8 Major Research Projects and 3 are ongoing. Dr. Pal received Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Medal in 2016. He became a Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology in 2018. |